| **** Seltsam entspannte Single von Adam Levine & Co. - etwas tropisch abgeschmeckt - etwas Geplapper von Kendrick - fürs Radio abgemischt von Benny Blanco. |
| ***** Ich weiss noch nicht so genau was ich davon halten soll. Eigentlich gefällt mir dieser Sound ja total aber doch nicht von Maroon 5?! Ich meine, das ist eine Band.. dieser Track wurde rein am PC produziert. Was machen denn die Band-Mitglieder? Stehen die beim Auftritt einfach hinter ihren Instrumenten? In solch einer Band möchte ich nicht spielen.<br><br>Trotzdem, mir gefällts eigentlich schon. Ich muss mich nur damit anfreunden, dass dieser Sound von Maroon 5 kommt. Kendrick gefällt mir dazu sehr wobei mir irgendwie auffällt, dass jeder Pop-Song, bei dem er mitwirkt irgendwie ähnlich klingt. Vorerst 5* und ich schliesse nicht aus, dass es noch nach unten oder oben gehen könnte. |
| *** Als ich entdeckte das Maroon 5, einer meiner Lieblingsbands, eine neue Single hat, war meine Freude enorm hoch! Diese legte sich in den ersten Sekunden aber sofort...<br>Maroon 5 versucht mir hier viel zu stark den aktuellen Trend zu folgen, und vergessen sich dabei.<br>Hinzu kommt das diese Nummer dann noch schwach ist für sein Genre...<br>Mit viel (eigentlicher) Symphatie zur Band vergebe ich dennnoch eine 3*- |
| **** Un son tropical qui détend, rien de plus. |
| *** <br>Genau dieser Sound trifft man momentan so oft in den Charts, aber genau mit diesem Sound kann ich nicht viel anfangen!<br><br>Ich möchte die alten Maroon 5 zurück! |
| *** Finde ich auch sehr dünn und unheimlich kalkuliert - wie ja auch die bisherigen Reviews zeigen, die fast alle darauf eingehen, wie offensichtlich das nach dem aktuellen Tropical-House-Einheitsbrei klingt. Langweilig, fernab der eigentlichen DNA von Maroon 5 und zu offensichtlich auf den schnellen Hit getrimmt. Lamars Beteiligung ist nicht weiter der Rede wert. |
| *** Bedeutungslose Musik. |
| *** überaus stromlinienförmige und einigermassen gepflegte langeweile. highlight für mich ist der clip und dessen anspielung auf den pokemon-go-wahn. allerdings bereits nicht mehr so wirklich aktuell, egal, trotzdem gut. |
| *** Quite uneventful. |
| **** Besser wie erwartet, immerhin nicht so nervig wie einige Singles der letzten Jahre der Band. Verstand respektive verstehe den Erfolg aber nach wie vor nicht. Solide ja, mehr nicht. 4* |
| **** Ik heb er alvast helemaal geen problemen mee dit hitgevoelig klinkende plaatje te kennen. |
| *** Geen bagger, maar ook niet perfect. |
| **** ▒ Ondanks de vele herhalingen vind ik dit plaatje, uit de nazomer van 2016, in combinatie met de video, niet zo slecht !!! Kijk, een hoogvlieger wordt het (waarschijnlijk) niet, maar het is zekers niet verkeerd !!! Afgerond ↑, zelfs 4 sterren ☺!!! |
| ** Tegenvaller. De hoogtijdagen van Maroon 5 liggen blijkbaar al ver achter ons. |
| **** vielleicht brauchten die Jungs von Maroon 5 einfach mal wieder ein wenig Kohle - typischer 2016er-Track |
| *** Ein sehr bescheidener Song. |
| *** weniger gut |
| *** Hahaha, 17 seconds and it's enough for a credit! (Kendrick's verse is good though :P) The song is far too trend-conscious to do anything unexpected and it produces a rather listless result. 2.75 |
| *** It's not bad to say the least but anyone else in the Top 40 can sing this and it'll sound no different. Not a Maroon 5 song at all. |
| *** All props to them for finding a way to stay popular and relevant for so long, but I personally couldn't be more disappointed in the way their career has progressed in the last few years. |
| **** ...mir ist es egal, was für ein Mischmasch da zusammengestiefelt wurde, fürs Ohr tönt es gar nicht so schlecht, dürfte aber kürzer sein - den TropicalSound mag ich immer noch -... |
| *** Mit diesem Song zeigen Maroon 5, dass sie 0 Arbeit investiert haben. Könnte genauso von Major Lazer oder Dj Snake sein. Und dann wie Taylor Swift oder Sia auf Kendrick Lamar zurückgreifen. Sorry, aber hier ist echt kein eigener Einfluss der Band vorhanden. Hauptsache auf den Mainstream Zug springen. Trotz allem kein allzu schlechter Song. 3* |
| *** Was'n das? |
| ** I think Maroon 5 stopped caring a long time ago, but wow, this really is the least effort they have put in ever.<br><br>Or maybe I shouldn't be calling this a Maroon 5 song, because I honestly don't think anyone from Maroon 5 outside of Adam Levine had anything to do with the making of this. Even Adam didn't seem like he was fully involved, giving his least inspired vocal performance to date.<br><br>I swear I did like Maroon 5 at some point in time, but that time is almost coming to a decade now. It really is hard to believe that this stale slice of trend-focused pop came from the same band that created killer melodies such as those in "Harder To Breathe" and "Makes Me Wonder", because this song could be performed by any other artist in the chart and it wouldn't sound any different.<br><br>And, uh, Kendrick Lamar is on this for some reason. I'm never going to say no to a little Kendrick, but what is the point of him being here? He doesn't really add anything new or really give too much of a different perspective from what Adam is already saying. It seems that whoever made the music video realised that and just cut him altogether from that version.<br><br>I'm just a little worried with Kendrick, because between this and his collaborations with Taylor Swift and Sia, he is now just becoming one of those go-to rappers to provide quick verses for pop songs, when we know that he is so much better than that.<br><br>Look, I don't completely hate it, but I don't like it in any way.<br><br>2.5*<br><br>EDIT: Whoops! I forgot to lower this sooner.<br><br>I very much dislike this now.<br><br>2.5* -> 2* Last edited: 21.03.2017 11:54 |
| *** Kaum der Rede wert. |
| *** ...weniger... |
| *** ...abgerundete drei... |
| *** Gefällt mir nicht. |
| ** Oh my. |
| * Weak and annoying. Last edited: 04.11.2017 22:01 |
| * Was soll denn das sein?! Ganz seichte Nummer fürs Radio. Last edited: 03.01.2017 14:25 |
| **** Geht schon. |
| **** It's acceptabubble. :P |
| ** Whenever I think a song falls in the "will this do?" category the public seems to overwhelmingly say yes. Also when Maroon 5 jump on a trend then you know we reached the wrong side of oversaturated, although that happened already ages ago.<br>There isn't much to rate here, the song doesn't even have a hook and I can barely distinguish the verses from the chorus. The only thing this has going for it are the names involved so my score reflects more of what I think about Maroon 5's recent efforts rather than this plodding nothing of a track. |
| * More horribly bland and generic pop rubbish from Maroon 5. I just can't believe they went from being a decent pop rock band to a highly watered down and spineless edm bandwagon-y group. They don't even sound like a band anymore and it may as well be credited as Adam Levine ft Kendrick Lamar because there's hardly any guitar or drums to be heard in the background. Just when I thought they couldn't get any worse, they release this pile of utter shit which makes even their other recent efforts sound decent in comparison. I wish Levine would just retire already unless he can go back to his pop rock roots which I doubt he ever will. Last edited: 23.12.2016 14:44 |
| * This is a complete disaster. This just tries too hard to be relevant and appealing to the masses that there's nothing special about it whatsoever. It's not even that catchy... |
| ** Nee dit is geen nummer voor mij. Als er 'Dont wanna know know know' word gezongen klinkt het mij te veel als 'Take Me Home, Country Roads' |
| *** Es klingt sehr lustlos und schnell dahin gerotzt - den Jungs sind wahrscheinlich die Ideen für gute Songs ausgegangen. |
| * Sorry, this is too much for me, you must have low self-esteem or artistic value if you think you have to ride the Chain smokers trend after a 13-year long career. Disgusting. |
| ***** I like it... it makes me happy! :) and nice video too. |
| **** Passt garnicht zu Maroon 5, dachte erst hier läuft ein Song von Drake oder so! Der Song ist einfach nur "ganz nett" - that's it! Knappe 4! |
| *** Echt boeiend wil het niet worden, heel vervelend is het ook niet. (Nou ja, de clip eigenlijk wel). |
| ***** aufgerundete 5 |
| ***** Sans prise de tête. |
| *** Auch ich bin überrascht vom Sound der Band. Hatte den Song schon einige Male am Radio gehört, ihn aber nie mit Maroon5 in Verbindung gebracht. Netter Weichspüler-RnB. Abgerundete 3. |
| *** Passend gewählter Titelname für das belanglose Etwas. Aber nettes Video. |
| **** Gut. |
| * Crap |
| ** This is just about my most loathed song in recent times for several reasons, some less obvious than others. This is the main one:<br><br>Lil Wayne is an extremely talented rapper whose persistent hustle in the 2000s made him among the most popular and in-demand rappers of the time. His style was off-the-wall and he has an incredible gift for wordplay and non-sequitur. He fell off a bit after he 'made it' but he deserves to be seen as an icon in hip hop.<br><br>If you found yourself condescendingly scoffing at the above paragraph, you are the reason I loathe this song. Because I've lived through about a decade of shitty memes from people who think Lil Wayne is untalented and would be working in the fast food industry if Tupac were still alive from people who heard a few of his songs and decided he had an annoying voice and heard he made a shitty rock album, from people who don't know what internal rhyming is even though Eminem is probably their favourite rapper. These are people so bothered that he occasionally features in pop hits that they express joy when he is hospitalised basically embodying the utter scum that they've dehumanised Lil Wayne to represent. If you haven't even listened to the Carter trilogy, your opinion is irrelevant and useless to me.<br><br>Now, I don't think Kendrick will ever have it as bad as Lil Wayne in that regard, but it is continually disappointing to see him turn up on mediocre pop hits time and time again without contributing much of substance or worth. Given how rarely his own music creeps into top 40 radio, there is going to be a substantial amount of people who only ever hear him in these songs, and will have a 'really?!' reaction when it's noted how acclaimed his music is.<br><br>It's quite telling just how different his features are when it doesn't feel like he isn't in the position to sanitise/minimalise his bars for radio. Just in 2016 he had great verses alongside Kanye West, Beyonce, Danny Brown, A Tribe Called Quest & DJ Khaled. But it's this and "The Greatest" that have hundreds of millions of plays on Spotify.<br><br>I won't lie though, I feel bad for Maroon 5 too in this regard. They've reached the point where their era as a smooth, respectable pop rock band has just about been matched in length as their era as a tacky, bland trend-chasing vehicle for Adam Levine's ego. There's clearly a good half and a bad half in their catalogue of hits at this stage.<br><br>"Don't Wanna Know" is perhaps the nadir of it all just for how shameless it is. The only thing stopping me from rating it lower is that it is on some level competent, and admittedly Levine's falsetto on this song is somewhat pleasing, but it's just an all around smelly product. The lyrics are particularly bad here too, where Levine just sounds petulant about a break up which in no way fits the ultralight beat (which it must be said, sounds comically like the Rugrats theme). The fact that the video was based on a 3 month late pop culture boon is just icing on the cake. Last edited: 21.03.2017 09:10 |
| ** kann damit nicht viel anfangen... |
| **** Redelijk nummer. |
| *** Since "Moves Like Jagger" the world has arguably been granted three more attempts to capitalise on the success of that song that have largely worked. This is not as bad as "Payphone" in that regard, but still. This could only sound more desperate if it were a trop house cover. But it's still trop house, so yeah. It's hard to take Maroon 5 seriously now that it's basically the Adam Levine Show and this song just reinforces what their musical direction is post "Moves Like Jagger". The song sounds pleasant at least but it's so unoriginal I can't give it any more credit, even though I did like it at one point. Kendrick's verse is totally unmemorable and disappointing given how much I've grown to enjoy his music in the last few years. While it may have added a few more years to Maroon 5's span of chart hits, it leaves a lot to be desired. |
| **** Ganz ok, mit einem originellen Video. |
| **** Ultraknappe 4 Sterne. |
| *** *** |
| *** weniger<br><br>CDN: #6, 2016<br>USA: #6, 2016 |
| *** I'm a bit indifferent on this but I can see why the hate is strong, they've had worse for me. |
| * non... |
| **** War ganz ok |
| *** durchschnittlicher radio-pop. wenn auch durch king kendrick etwas aufgewertet. |
| ** 2+ |
| *** 0815-Popsong. |
| *** nervig - oh oh oh |
| *** Nogal generiek pop nummer van deze all-American samenwerking. |
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